Monday, December 15, 2014

July to Dec??????

Wow, I can't believe July was the last time I updated my blog. But, I do know that the sampler that I just finished took forever to do.
I am babysitting three small children this school year. The oldest turned 3 in Oct. The second one will be 3 in April. The baby will be a year in March. Yes, I am kept very busy most days!
The sampler that I just finished is for our youngest son & his wife. They just became parents on Sat. What a wonderful experience. We were able to hold the precious babe just a few hours after she was born.
We are in the thick of preparations for Christmas. I tried so hard to be done before Dec. 1st hit, but that was just impossible with the schedule that I keep! I am doing well thou, for having over a week left!
I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!!


Cindy's Stitching said...

The sampler is very pretty. You are busy and have your hands full. Merry christmas.

Clare-Aimetu said...

Beautiful sampler - welcome back to blogging and a big welcome to your new grandchild :)

Tricia said...

Congratulations!!! What a sweet Christmas gift to receive a new grandchild! I hope you'll get a few days to rest and enjoy the Christmas season!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Congratulations on the addition to the family! Merry Christmas!!

Carol said...

Merry Christmas to you, too, Shari--and a big congratulations on your new granddaughter! I'm sure you must have a smile a mile wide :)!

Hazel said...

Pretty sampler. Life gets busy but blogging will always be here. x

WendyCarole said...

Love the sampler. Congratulations on the new grandchild :)

Julie said...

Congratultions on the new arrival, a beautiful sampler you stitched for her.
Merry Christmas wishes to you Shari.

Shebafudge said...

Lovely to see you again. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and all the best for 2015 xx

Brigitte said...

Congratulations on being a grandma again. And this birthsampler is so beautul for your new grandchild.
I hope you were having a nice holiday season ad wish you a Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you are back posting on your blog!!! Congratulations to the grandparents on new granddaughter. I hope you don't leave so much time without posting have a nice week.

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