One of the groups I am involved with is doing neighborhood round robins. There are 5 of us doing aida cloth.
I thought about & thought about what I wanted my neighborhood to look like. I finally decided I wanted all of our homes along a creek, stream, river, etc...
So, the first thing I did was decide that my finished piece is going to be a table runner. I then started stitching the water of the creek. I then added a few rocks, to see what it would look like. Next, I laid out where the 5 houses would go. I then added my house & now I think it is ready to go to the first stop on it's route. I may do more of the creek & rocks if I have time, but if I don't, that is ok, because people can do their houses & I can finish my work after it comes back home.
What a great idea to have your neighborhood by the water. Off to a great start.
That's a great start with your round robin, Shari. I do like that kind of aida too and using it for a few Joanne Elliotts designs.
YAY!!! how lovely is that, well done Shari, i'm going to enjoy watching this one grow
Your RR table runner is going to be lovely! I'm looking forward to watching the neighborhood grow!!
Looks really neat, Shari
It is going to be sooooo awesome Shari! I'm going to really enjoy watching this one take shape!! have fun with it!
Looks great Shari! Love the idea.
Looks great, it's going to be fun to watch your neighbors "move in." Love your idea of living on a river!
Wonderful can't wait to see it progress.
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Shari, I love the idea of doing a table runner! I'm excited to see what the other ladies add by your tranquil river!
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