Woohoo! My husband has been making my frames for quite some time. He has also made frames for my parents for both my mom's stitching & some important documents for my dad. He has made frames for my brother's stitching.
A friend asked if he would make a frame for her. It took him a while, but he finally got it done & we mailed it yesterday. I got permission to show it here.( added both pictures, because blogger was giving me trouble uploading it) He has 3 or 4 more frames 'to do'. (besides all that I want done!!!)
Sounds like he might be busy for a while, doesn't it?!?!?!?!?
Have a great week!!!!! The kids here are on spring break this week, so I am done babysitting for the week!!!! Look out needle & fabric!!!
I have 2 finishes to post as soon as I can. (one needs 'finish' work & the other one is part 1 of 3!!!!!!!! (think triplets!!!)
Cool - nice that your DH makes your frames and can sell them, too!
wow! Your DH did a great job.
Looking forward to see your finishes. Have a good week and hope the weather warms up for you.
Beautiful frame!! Your dh does good work!! I'm still working on my dh;)
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